More About
Melani Wright
Kyoshi Wright
The martial arts were originally aimed towards life preservation and self-defense. Today, people come to us from all walks of life, each with their own set of reasons for wanting to train directly with Raven Cain.
Character discipline encompasses the exploration of the human aspects of combat and comprises two primary components:
The Way of the Raven Philosophy and its core values program, which includes Loyalty, Integrity, Valor, Empathy, Honor, Accountability, Respect, and discipline. In the scope of The Way of the Raven training is the Soulegria Leadership Ranch training program, which involves mentoring leadership schools. The purpose of this discipline is to instill the WOTR ethos in every student. Character discipline represents the spiritual dimension of each student and the collective spirit of the WOTR. Its components instill the warrior spirit in every student and emphasize the finest traditions for fostering a warrior mindset. By nurturing a student’s character, they evolve into a warrior protector who embodies the WOTR core values and possesses self-discipline, confidence, and the ability to make sound decisions in any situation, whether in combat or during periods of safety. They become the epitome of a Warrior Sage.